Wednesday, December 21

Merry Crisis!

If this is the gift the govt wanted to give,
shall we say...
You really shouldn't have!
Although we have heard rumors that pensions will go up a bit (while the age of retirees will be raised considerably), just like in the USA, it won't be the rich nor the politicians who will foot the bill for Italy's present financial woes.  The rich get to keep their money abroad, the criminals get to pocket the cash (upwards of 100 billion euro industry), and the politicos get to keep their high salaries and their black income while - according to the above Pensioners Union, it will be those left working and those low income families who will be hurting the most.
Last week alone saw Ms. Mussolini (the granddaughter of the late great Berlusconi predecessor) saying that a pay cut for the highest paid Parliament on earth would be "akin to instigating suicide".  They're all paid more than Barack Obama and I don't see him in bread lines.  She blithely ignores those that actually have killed themselves due to this financial crisis.  Nonetheless, if govt cuts = suicide, that could mean two things:

1)  Italy now embraces assisted suicide
2)  Will most of the Parliamentarians do it?
That would ease the burden on us all, pensioners or not.

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