Wednesday, September 24

Alitalia's Reality: Lost or Survivor?

It finally dawned on me what the ups and downs behind the Alitalia deal is truly all about. It seems that it’s the no. 1 Reality Show in town, taking place on a station near you. Will the pilots get voted off the air? Send your text message and we’ll see...Will the show get canceled? They have until midnight on Thursday, no, make it next Monday, no, the end of the month, no, next week…

It seems the entire country is following this reality show day in and day out – but with the disconcerting air that it is all, in fact, unreal. The offers are not truly offers, the buyers are not really who they say they are, the pilots agree then they disagree, then they want to stay, then they will soon be leaving. All brought to you by your sponsor, the Italian taxpayer bailout.

As of today, we have the pilots trying to launch a management buyout (and if that’s not putting the wolves in charge of the hen house I don’t know what is). And, do we really want a motor scooter guy to run an airline? It’s not quite the same thing, is it?

Why they don’t pull the plug is beyond me. Everyone keeps saying 20000 families will end up on the streets. Nothing could be further from the truth. Just like the pseudo stars of reality shows, they’ll get to go on 4 year shopping sprees and sip Margheritas in the Maldives. Pilots will receive 4 years pay scot free, most other employees, around three.

In the meantime, they will get rehired by whomever takes up the slots and the planes and starts flying the friendly skies again. But they get to keep the prize money.

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode.


Anonymous said...

maybe the US government should bail them out, that way we can be on a roll!!!
ciao L.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking what the other commentyer wrote...perhaps the US Government can bail them out.
Oh, great minds think alike!

Irreverent Italy said...

meanwhile, a friend whose husband works for Alitalia says that most pilots will be getting 7 years pay...! Maybe I can get a job with them...

Carol said...

i dont have a lot of sympathy for some of those alitalia employees that i have encountered over the years. i do feel bad for the subcontracted 'poveracci' who earn €750/mese cleaning the aircrafts.

on another note.. the photo of trevor is mesmerizing. sorry, it isnt trev, but that green background. where was it snapped?

Irreverent Italy said...

That photo was taken in the psychedelic corridor of Chicago's O'Hare Airport...background changing colors all the time.

This photo has been approved by John McCain.