Saturday, February 13

Italy gets a sense of humor

Well, that title isn't exactly correct.  Italians have a great sense of humor.  You just don't usually find it in their ads posted all over town.   Say what you will about the eye pollution of ads posted everywhere the graffiti is not (and sometimes where it is), but at least the City of Rome is doing something about it -- They've hired a crack ad team to come up with most of their public service announcements -- and we're all better for it.  Not only have they started campaigns about children's car seats, fast driving, and drinking & driving, but, don't look now, irony has finally found it's voice.

These are for making sure your car tags are up to date:  they read, 'The Bollino Blu is not an accessory'.




TEFL Ninja said...

"Not only have they started campaigns about children's car seats, fast driving, and drinking & driving,"

Looking at the quality of the ads and the content they cover...let's hope they go national.

Louise | Italy said...

Hi there, dropping by from Piemonte via ItalyTutto. My favourite ad was one I saw in the street outside a shop selling Wind mobile phones. It was urging people to change from their current provider (say, Tim, or Vodaphone) to Wind. It said "Passa a Wind"...Well, it made me laugh!

Irreverent Italy said...

that's hysterical -- but, bet you they didn't know it! Or, someone 'knew' but didn't tell anyone! Kinda like the once-sold Soffass toilet paper you used to find in stores.